“I get dozens of letters, almost daily from people who have financial difficulties for one reason or another. And they overwhelmingly come from three sources: One is health problems, people run into unexpected medical bills…
Casino Gambling
Casino gambling harms families, exploits the poor and financially desperate, worsens state budgets, raises crime, and deceives the public. Gambling creates social and economic costs that ruin lives, families, businesses, and communities. But gambling operators…
Pathological Gambling: A Critical Review.
The growth of legal gambling in the United States in recent decades has been fueled largely by increasing public acceptance of gambling as a form of recreation, and by the promise of substantial economic benefits…
What is Gambling Disorder?
Gambling disorder involves repeated, problem gambling behavior. The behavior leads to problems for the individual, families, and society. Adults and adolescents with gambling disorder have trouble controlling their gambling. They will continue even when it…
Is Gambling Harmful To Our Society?
“Gambling” is the wagering of money or property on the outcome of a game or event that is largely random with the intent to win more money or property. “Gaming” refers to the industry created…
Social Impacts of Casinos: Facts and Fallacies
Any time a casino comes up for debate in a community, two camps face off: supporters, who talk up potential jobs, investment and fresh tax dollars; and critics, who believe casinos mean increased crime, decreased…
DiNapoli Releases Report on Casinos’ Impact on Upstate Local Tax Revenues
From 2017 to 2022 New York’s four licensed casinos brought $176 million in gaming tax revenue to host and regional local governments, but only the three smaller towns that host casinos realized significant fiscal benefits…
Gambling and College Students
Gambling among college students is on the rise. College students often develop gambling problems at about twice the rate of other adults. An estimated 4 to 8 percent of college students are classified as problem…
Teenagers gamble away their education
The odds are stacked against teenagers who regularly gamble. A new study in Springer’s Journal of Gambling Studies shows that a 14-year-old who gambles is more likely to struggle at school. The study was led…
Gambling Economics: Summary Facts by Professor Earl L. Grinols
Gambling is a public concern because it creates economic costs for society and taxpayers, including non-users. Most costs derive from problem & pathological gamblers (two groups).